Four Months On,

Well so much for trying to write about my day, on a daily basis… Four months on and I suppose a lot has changed!

– Ups and Downs / Positives and Negatives –

So Halloween came and went, I got a job and then boom it was December already and out of no where Jamie and I had moved in together, December 21st to be exact. The house still needs work done to it before it’ll be ‘home’ and its kind of lonely just the two of us since it feels like most of the time I’m home when Jamie is at work so I’m spending the majority of that time alone getting super into Silent Witness and Tattoo Fixers! It was kind of sad/weird spending Christmas without any of my family for the first time – but hey that’s growing up, right?!

The week before Christmas we lost a very special woman in our family, my grandmother and although we knew it was coming we almost weren’t expecting it because she’d fought the big C for so long and every time it looked bad she still managed to pull through. Death, being a part of life and inescapable, we have to accept that when our time comes there isn’t much any of us can to do except be thankful for the time we have had. The funeral was my first and even though we were gathered to say goodbye it was somewhat bittersweet as all of the family and her friends were together at once, something which never happens and it was nice.

Anywaysssss…  On a happier note – 2016 has arrived!

We welcomed January, under a sky of fireworks and obviously more than a few drinks. Isn’t new years all about the best tunes, alcohol on tap and that twelve o’clock kiss?!

To be honest, I can’t believe it is already a few days into February! Jamie and I celebrated our 2nd birthday on Sunday, this weekend is the start of Six Nations – WOO GO SCOTLAND! and Feb 14th the next weekend.  (woooah) (please slow down)

The past month has just flown by and I’ve definitely felt over whelmed at times, needed to cry it all out and just have cuddles but I really need to start having a little more faith in the world. I need to stop isolating myself from people and events when I feel like things are going a little bit wrong. And TAAALLKKKKK. Its so hard though sometimes – you know when you just feel like no one gets it? Or you feel like you’re failing because you need help coping?

Jamie and I are still adjusting to each others habits, we haven’t quite mastered having dinner (or as he calls it tea, which is just weird) together at a normal time but we have got to grips with agreeing on TV programmes – priorities.


mmm, crème eggs are back